Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese technique that assists with improving your well-being and health. Acupuncture needles are inserted into specific points in your body, allowing natural healing. These points are found along “meridians” or “channels” that are believed to be the pathways by which energy or “Qi” flows through the body. Acupuncture encourages natural healing, an improvement in mood and energy, relieves pain and improves function. The needles are left in place for approximately 30 minutes, and the practitioner may manipulate the needles to strengthen or reduce the flow of Qi.
Acupuncture sessions at our facility can be booked with Physiotherapists or Chiropractors.
Service Fees
Initial Assessment: $100.00
Subsequent Visit: $65.00
All prices include HST (unless stated otherwise). Some services may be covered by Private Insurance, Auto Insurance or Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB)